Monday, June 15, 2009

What Happened to me for the past 1 month

* please note that this post will not contain any photos until further notice

It has been a month since i last blogged. You must have wondered where have i been for a month without even seeing me in msn or gtalk. So, here's a simlpe and short update about my whereabouts as well as what i have been engaging myself to..

As the previous posts indicated, i used to be the employee of Digistar Holdings Sdn. Bhd. I have resigned from the post of Project Engineer (Site Supervisor in Kuching) for Dewan Undangan Negeri SARAWAK due to unconditional choiceless offer from PETRONAS. Nevertheless, i feel fortunate for being employed by PETRONAS, the giant national company in Malaysia. Many people have envied about my job position - Electrical Project Engineer, which sounds little similar to Jeslynn's job title as well. However, things doesnt turn out as pretty as what is sounds like.

So, i resigned on 15th of April, and joined Petronas Induction Programme for New Executive (PIPE) Session 40, which stretches for 16 restless days. I have to admit that during the first few days, it was so so so boring as well as blood sucking because i felt so tired after every sessions. Somehow, after knowing people in PIPE, i get to enjoy myself quite well by having sports after everyday's session, and enjoy wallaping all the good foods served in the dining hall. People tend to call me "watermelon" and "chicken" lover boy because my plate is always pilled up with those two food elements. During PIPE, we had quite an intensive programmes which involves indoor and outdoor activities. You will never complain you are too free and you are too energetic for all of the sessions because you will not have time to even stretch your legs and shake at 70kHz frequency.

At the end of the PIPE 40 session(2/5/09), i went down to KL to stay overnight at my sis's place at Jalan Kuching. TQ to Khalis for giving me a lift on his exclusive CRV. I took some of my sis's stuffs and brought over to Bintulu. :)

Then, i took a flight to Bintulu on Sunday (3/5/09) and our arrival was welcomed by two vans. They have sent us over to Kelab Kidurong (KKB), and that's where we have spent the next two week while house-hunting for another shelter. On 4th, that was the first day all of the new executives reporting to MLNG. We have had 1 week of Business Orientation Program(BOP) conducted in-house. It's different from other OPUs who have conducted BOP in KLCC, KL. This gives me the impression that MLNG is trying to save cost for that sense.

Then here is comes, the day i reported to my Department. To my surprise, the department stated in my offer letter is different from the Department i am actually reporting to. In my offer letter, i am supposed to report to Technical Services Department, Plant Division as Electrical Project Engineer. However, during the day we are supposed to report to our Line Manager, i was referred to Project Development Department with the same job title. Having said that, i never complained about the last minute changes which i was not informed about, but i was quite unhappy with the transportation they provide for employees to move around between Menara Kiduring (where my office is) and PLC (Petronas LNG Complex, PLANT). For the entire month, i have to punch in LATE, and punch out EARLY. This makes my record slightly dirty in the punctuality sense.

Besides, i came to a sense that, Petronas is still using Punching Card system. Quite a surprise to me indeed. So and so, i tried to grasp whichever i could in the department, and learn as much as i could because i know nothing about the job i am doing now. To my despair, i cant seek help from either people around here nor in the PLC. I spent my precious time looking and asking around for job/ help i could offer, but none of them seems to have anything allocated for me. WHY? Because at the time i was reporting in, i wasnt expected by my Depaertment. TBC


Speaking of the unexpected event to my department, on the first day i reported to my department, the Manager showed a funny face as he was trying to answer these questions, "Who is this boy?", "Did our department request for new hire?", "Is he qualified to be in this department?", "Who employed him?". Guess what's the next step he took to solve all these puzzles? He called quite a number of people within my department enquiring on the new recruit in PDD. To my deepest soul, i felt demotivated, useless and speechless. How could i be treated in a manner where only ME is located in an unknown department, which is so new to the MLNG plant? Oh ya, my department is very new, because it is established to monitor several big projects that are on-going. I have to admit that it is a pride to be in this department, but just not at the right time and place. Hence, i was told that PDD was not informed of my presence, and thus, they will have to sort thing out with the HR-MLNG and HR-KL to resolve this issue. I was told that i am not the first to face such problem in this department. This comes to a conclusion in my mind saying that, "I think HR Department is trying to hit their KPI, and hence, putting aside the employees' concern, competencies and background". I wish i am wrong, but what i have seen here seems to prove every single point i am stating right here.

Well, enough talk about my department. At least, i have a good GM which is quite new to the department, yet i can see that he is trying his best to merge all of the staffs under PDD, making it strong and capable to deal with future projects. Besides, he cares for all of his employees, and at least, he understands my concern and tried to clear my mind with several options possibly to be taken in 2 months time. So, the only thing i can do right now is to read as many manuals and notes as possible, and try to get some hands-on when the opportunity comes. FYI, he's the 2nd Chinese GM in MLNG!Beat that if you can. I give 2 THUMB UP for my Big Boss, lesser thumb for SM and M.

Somehow, i managed to spot a training in the Bulletin board. Without any hesitation, i enrolled it with my Manager's permission. So, this answers to the previous "TBC" in the middle of the post, and also "contunues..." in this post as well. I am back from Performance Management System workshop. I can never admit less that this workshop has taught me a lot of things, how to manage your own performance as well as how to deal with issue regarding to your performance. This make me realized that there's a need for me to raise my concern regarding what i am experiencing now. Being an employee of Petronas, you need to set objectives with your superior. That document is called IPC. Within this document, you are required to list down the objectives you are required to fulfill in order to determine your PPA (appraisal). Under the Target column, you are required to fill in the base target, stretch 2 as well as stretch 1 target. If you can meet the base target, hence, you are just rated-3-employee, which is categorized under "meeting expectations". If you can reach stretch 2 target, you are rated-2-employee, which is "exceeds expectations. IF you think you are superwoman, superman, batman, catwoman, you can always work and strive for rated-1-employee, or what they call HPS (for 3 consecutive years, you obtain rating of 1 or 2). This is what we call "OUTSTANDING". I guess it's quite hard for me right now to aim for anything as stated, because the IPC is not even cascaded to me yet, although i have stepped foot in this department for roughly 2 months now. So, during the workshop, i was taught to raise my concern to my superiors, and if it did not work, then you have to activate your support system (peers, colleagues, mentors, coaches...). These people might be able to help you walk through your path. Besides, we have also learnt DG and KP - Discussion Guidelines and Kep Principles. These are the important ingredients you have to bring in when you are going to attend a discussion with your superior. Make sure you keep an open mind to whatever comments given by your boss. Remember the boss's rule?

RULE #1 : Boss is always Right
RULE #2: IF Boss is Wrong
RULE #3: Refer to RULE #1

Besides that, i was also taught to be S.M.A.R.T, which means


This is very useful especially when stating objectives. Make sure the objective you set is discussed with your boss, and make sure it is achievable by you. At least, the BASE TARGET is achievable and obtainable. Do not tolerate any "near-miss" in your objective setting.

The last thing i learnt was the way in giving comments/ remarks. WHen writing an IPC, always apply the R.I.C.E rule.


By doing so, you can easily trace back whatever achievements you have completed, and also easily justifiable by your superior when he is trying to fight for a rating of 2 for you. Isn't worth writing in the right way makes it easy for you and your boss? SO, don't be so wise-headed, (kepo or ke khiang) write a lengthy essay in IPC, and end up no one reading your novel.

Anyway, always remember the 4 phases in PMS, Performance Planning, Feedback and Coaching, Performance Review and Appraisal, and lastly, Rewards and Consequences. Everything comes with consequences, just that they differ in positive or negative consequences. I vowed to myself, never ever fall into Rating 4 employee (not meeting expectations). I believe with my capabilities, competencies and eagerness to learn, i will excel in the job i will be commiting myself to in the years ahead.

Do wish me luck in my career in PETRONAS, the leader in oil and gas business in SEA.

*I will try my best to capture as many photos as possible to support this post. TQ for reading. And please leave comment if you have any doubts.


joel said...

Stay strong my young skyhunter.May the force with u. hahaha

zhiahowe said...

yes my dear starscream..i will always stand strong on my feet, nothing shall ever shake my or pin me down, as i have the force you gave me!

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